Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Part 7 of my collections is also my last and my most favoritepart. It is my collection of sun glasses. I got about fifteen pairs that I know where they are. I got about 5 pairs that I lost, and a lot that I broke.

This is a picture of all of my sun glasses together. There are fourteen glasses here.

This is a holder I made in school to hold all my sun glasses.

This here are half of my sunglassesw on the rack.

This here is the other half on the rack.

These three sun glasses I got upstate.

These are some of my newest and oldest ones.

These are my funky sun glasses. The top one I got from a dollar store that soon after closed down. The middle left are a pair of Anthony's sun glasses that I found on my rack. The one next to that I got for my mom so that she matches me. And the last one I got cause I liked it.

These are probably my favorite pairs because all three of them match.


The Capo's said...

Franky you are so funny. I love all your collections, especially WHEN YOU PUT THEM AWAY!!! Only kidding, Good job kiddo, Love Mommy <3

Alisha said...

I love the sunglass collection. If I still had all the pairs of sunglass I have lost or broken I just might have as many as you ;)